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5.1 Checking reliability of statistical methods used in community assembly studies by analysis of simulated data

Ádám Kun, Beáta Oborny & Ulf Dieckmann (2019) Five main phases of landscape degradation revealed by a dynamic mesoscale model analysing the splitting, shrinking, and disappearing of habitat patches. Scientific Reports 9: 11149
Michael T. Gastner, Károly Takács, Máté Gulyás, Zsuzsanna Szvetelszky, Beáta Oborny (2019) The impact of hypocrisy on opinion formation: A dynamic model. PLOS ONE 14(6): e0218729
Róbert Juhász and Beáta Oborny (2019) Percolation theory suggests some universal features in range margins across environmental gradients. arXiv:1909.00585 [q-bio.PE]
Schmera, D, J Podani, Z Botta-Dukát & T Erős (2018) On the reliability of the Elements of Metacommunity Structure framework for separating idealized metacommunity patterns. Ecological Indicators 85: 853–860

In previous work (Botta-Dukát & Czúcz 2015), we have shown that some of the widely used statistical method are not reliable: their Type I or Type II error rate is too high. The main message of that work is that all methods should be checked using simulated data. In the recent project we will continue this work by testing further methods.