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3) Experimental investigation of impacts of landuse

3.1 Effect of management on the biodiversity and ecosystem functions of forests

Based on field experiments and observational studies we investigate the effect of different forestry treatments on the biodiverisy, forest site and regeneration of forests. We would like to contribute to the development on ecologically sustainable forest management and conservation management strategies.

Elek, Z., Kovács, B., Aszalós, R. et al. (2018) Taxon-specific responses to different forestry treatments in a temperate forest. Sci Rep 8, 16990
Bölöni, J. et al. ... (2017) Quantity and dynamics of dead wood in managed and unmanaged dry-mesic oak forests in the Hungarian Carpathians. Forest Ecology and Management 399:120-131
Táborská, M. ... P. Ódor (2017) Wood-inhabiting bryophyte communities are influenced by different management intensities in the past. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 2893-2909
Tinya, F. & P. Ódor (2016) Congruence of the spatial pattern of light and understory vegetation in an old-growth, temperate mixed forest. Forest Ecology and Management 381:84-92.

3.2 Impacts of land use on the biological diversity of grasslands

We study the impacts of the most common modes of land use on animal communities of grassland habitats in field experiments and observations. We quantify changes in multiple groups of animals (arthropods, amphibians, birds, small mammals) along a gradient of land use intensity (intensive and extensive croplands; livestock grazing and mowing in degraded, restored and seminatural grasslands and in natural alkali and loess grasslands, and along a dry-wet gradient of habitat types (dry loess grasslands, alkali grasslands, temporarily inundated meadows, alkali marshes). The study will provide knowledge that can be directly used in the practice of nature conservation and serves as a foundation for the detailed study of community assembly (5.2.) and ecosystem functions and services (6.).

Mérő, TO, A Žuljević, K Varga & Sz Lengyel (2018) Reed management influences philopatry to reed habitats in the Great Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). Condor: Ornithological Applications 120: 94-105

3.4 Effect of land use on biodiversity and organization of aquatic communities

We examine the effects of perturbations on the organization of aquatic communities. We compare the diversity of fish communities in streams which differ in land use effects (e.g. in conservational, agricultural and urban landscapes). We present a novel river area protection and barrier removal decision planning model to optimize the protection of biological integrity, connectivity restoration and ecosystem services delivery goals at the waterbasin scale.

Erős, T, L Kuehne, A Dolezsai, N Sommerwerk & C Wolter (2019) A systematic review of assessment and conservation management in large floodplain rivers – Actions postponed. Ecological Indicators 98: 453–461
Tóth, R, I Czeglédi, B Kern & T Erős (2019) Land use effects in riverscapes: Diversity and environmental drivers of stream fish communities in protected, agricultural and urban landscapes. Ecological Indicators 101: 742–748
Erős, T JR O’Hanley & I Czeglédi (2018) A unified model for optimizing riverscape conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(4): 1871-1883.
Specziár, A, D Árva, M Tóth, A Móra, D Schmera, G Várbíró & T Erős (2018) Environmental and spatial drivers of beta diversity components of chironomid metacommunities in contrasting freshwater systems. Hydrobiologia 819(1): 123–143.
Erős, T. et al. ... (2017) Effect of landscape context on fish metacommunity structuring in stream networks. Freshwater Biology 62:215-228