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2.1 Climate experiments at Fülöpháza

Szitár, K, Gy Kröel-Dulay & K Török (2018) Invasive Asclepias syriaca can have facilitative effects on native grass establishment in a water‐stressed ecosystem. Applied Vegetation Science. doi: 10.1111/avsc.12397
Ónodi, G. et al. ... (2017) Comparing the accuracy of three non-destructive methods in estimating aboveground plant biomass. Community Ecology 18(1):56-62
Ónodi, G. et al. ... (2017) Estimating aboveground herbaceous plant biomass via proxies: The confounding effects of sampling year and precipitation. Ecological Indicators 79:355-360

We have previously shown that disturbances increase ecosystem sensitivity to climate change. However, most climate change experiments in the past took place in intact, undisturbed ecosystems, and ,indeed, most of these studies found no major vegetation shift. Therefore, we now conduct a new experiment, where climate change treatment (drought) is done in combination with disturbance. This disturbance leads to the dieback of present vegetation, thus we can asses how altered climate affects recovery after disturbance. In addition, we investigate how drought and disturbance affects the establishment of invasive plants already present in the landscape.