A projekt válogatott publikációi

A projekt eredményeként megjelent, kiemelkedő publikációk.
Balogh, C, A Vláčilová, L G‐Tóth & Z Serfőző (2018) Dreissenid colonization during the initial invasion of the quagga mussel in the largest Central European shallow lake, Lake Balaton, Hungary. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 44: 114–125.
Biró, M., J. Bölöni & Zs. Molnár (2018) Use of long‐term data to evaluate loss and endangerment status of Natura 2000 habitats and effects of protected areas. Conservation Biology 32(3): 660-671.
Boda, P, A Móra, G Várbíró, Z Csabai (2018) Livinʼ on the edge: The importance of adjacent intermittent habitats in maintaining macroinvertebrate diversity of permanent freshwater marsh systems. Inland Waters, DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2018.1461969
Boros, E & M Kolpakova (2018) A review of the defining chemical properties of soda lakes and pans: An assessment on a large geographic scale of Eurasian inland saline surface waters. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202205. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202205
Bozóki, T, E Krasznai-Kun, A Csercsa, G Várbíró & P Boda (2018) Temporal and spatial dynamics in aquatic macroinvertebrate communities along a small urban stream. Environmental Earth Sciences 77: 559
Elek, Z., Kovács, B., Aszalós, R. et al. (2018) Taxon-specific responses to different forestry treatments in a temperate forest. Sci Rep 8, 16990
Erős, T JR O’Hanley & I Czeglédi (2018) A unified model for optimizing riverscape conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(4): 1871-1883.
Lengyel, Sz, B Kosztyi, DS Schmeller, P-Y Henry, M Kotarac, Y-P Lin & K Henle (2018) Evaluating and benchmarking biodiversity monitoring: Metadata-based indicators for sampling design, sampling effort and data analysis. Ecological Indicators 85: 624-633
Lukács Á, Zs Kókai, P Török, I Bácsi, G Borics, G Várbíró, E T-Krasznai, B Tóthmérész & V B-Béres (2018) Colonisation processes in benthic algal communities are well reflected by functional groups. Hydrobiologia 1-15.
Magyari, Enikő, Ildikó Vincze, Ildikó Orbán, Tamás Bíró & Ilona Pál (2018) Timing of major forest compositional changes and tree expansions in the Retezat Mts during the last 16,000 years. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 477: pp. 40-58.
Mérő, TO, A Žuljević, K Varga & Sz Lengyel (2018) Reed management influences philopatry to reed habitats in the Great Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). Condor: Ornithological Applications 120: 94-105
Muhl, Rika MW, DL Roelke, T Zohary, M Moustaka‐Gouni, U Sommer, G Borics, U Gaedke, FG Withrow & J Bhattacharyya (2018) Resisting annihilation: relationships between functional trait dissimilarity, assemblage competitive power and allelopath. Ecology Letters 21(9): 1390-1400
Schmera, D & J Podani (2018) Through the jungle of methods quantifying multiple-site resemblance. Ecological Informatics 44: 1–6
Schmera, D, J Podani, Z Botta-Dukát & T Erős (2018) On the reliability of the Elements of Metacommunity Structure framework for separating idealized metacommunity patterns. Ecological Indicators 85: 853–860
Schmera, D. et al. ... (2018) Does isolation influence the relative role of environmental and dispersal-related processes in stream networks? An empirical test of the network position hypothesis using multiple taxa. Freshwater Biology 63: 74-85.
Specziár, A, D Árva, M Tóth, A Móra, D Schmera, G Várbíró & T Erős (2018) Environmental and spatial drivers of beta diversity components of chironomid metacommunities in contrasting freshwater systems. Hydrobiologia 819(1): 123–143.
Szitár, K, Gy Kröel-Dulay & K Török (2018) Invasive Asclepias syriaca can have facilitative effects on native grass establishment in a water‐stressed ecosystem. Applied Vegetation Science. doi: 10.1111/avsc.12397
Várbíró G, J Padisák, Z Nagy-László, A Abonyi, I Stanković, M Gligora Udovič, V B-Béres & G Borics (2018) How length of light exposure shapes the development of riverine algal biomass in temperate rivers? . Hydrobiologia 809: 53–63.
Wang, C, V B-Béres, C Stenger-Kovács, X Li & A Abonyi (2018) Enhanced ecological indication based on combined planktic and benthic functional approaches in large river phytoplankton ecology. Hydrobiologia 818(1): 163-175
Ács, É. et al. ... (2017) Biogeography and morphology of a poorly known S e l l a p h o r a species. FOTTEA, Olomouc 17(1):57-64
Ács, É. et al. ... (2017) Nitzschia austriaca Hustedt: a characteristic diatom of Hungarian inland saline waters including a morphological comparison with the type material. Phytotaxa 308(1):054-065
B-Béres, V , P Török, Zs Kókai, Á Lukács, E T-Krasznai, B Tóthmérész & I Bácsi (2017) Ecological background of diatom functional groups: Comparability of classification systems. Ecological Indicators 82: 183-188.
B-Béres, V. et al. ... (2017) Ecological background of diatom functional groups: Comparability of classification systems. Ecological Indicators 82:183-188
Batáry, P. et al. (2017) Non-linearities in bird responses across urbanisation gradients: a meta-analysis. Glob Change Biol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/gcb.13964
Bolgovics, Á. et al. ... (2017) Phytoplankton of rhithral rivers: Its origin, diversity and possible use for quality-assessment. Ecological Indicators 81:587-596